Every once in awhile, I get an insatiable itch to write. Now is that once in awhile. I am aware that making a super long blog post would quite possibly bore the bojangles out of all of you, so I will spare the bojangles, and simply give a heads up on what I've BEEN writing and what I plan to write (not necessarily on this blog).
Recently I've been writing a book titled: Transparent. It is a guide to authentic relationships with both God and men. It came from an expository sermon series I did with my teens called Walking in the Light taken from 1 John 1:5-2:14. I have the entire booked laid out and about 60 pages written (waiting for a publisher t take it on before I finish it). I am extremely passionate about this book and what God teaches through the scriptures listed above. God took my mind and my thoughts about him, blew them to smithereens and then showed me how little of Him I truly understand while I went through this series (and the book). I'll let you know what happens.
The book I just envisioned is an authentic look of the successes and failures of youth pastors. I know for myself that I am tired of reading the "I'm so awesome" youth ministry books and want to read the "this is how I failed, this is what I did in this situation and here are the results" type ministry book. (I recently read Confessions of a Reformission Rev. by Mark Driscoll and was insipred that this type of book should be written by youth pastor as well as a church planter/Senior Pastor.). I realize that I am young and not nearly seasoned enough (nor well known enough) to write a book like this and expect people to read it, so I will proably interview several hundred youth pastors to hear and read their stories, write my own, string them together and write the book. I am passionate about this too, because I am going through some stuff in ministry that "isn't in the books" and would love to share moment-by-moment what I am going through so one day, it can touch a guy in my position.
I know it's a long post despite what I said above (sorry about those bojangles). However, if you are a youth pastor and want to share an authentic moment of failure, hardship or success, e-mail it to me, so I can begin compiling and writing! My e-mail is: pastormarv@hotmail.com or pstrmarv@gmail.com
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