Reading through my new Chronological Study Bible I've come into some new insights. I was challenged yesterday in a sermon done by Barry Jordan a missionary to Indonesia. He said yesterday that nothing has been more enlightening than reading through the life of Jesus over and over again or the last 19 years. He challenged his listeners to read through the life of Jesus: "Get to know Jesus" he said.
This challenge was one I readily accepted. I've been studying Jesus a bit here and there, but reading through his life again and again was something I was ready to do. Here is where my new insight came in. I realized that I just received recently the new Chronological Study Bible and I could read through the life of Christ in the order in which it all happened! Some of you may be saying what a geek I am, and yeah maybe I am. But I started reading through the life of Christ and it started with John 1:1-8, then went into Luke. What's amazing to me, and the insight that I am receiving is about the culture and times of Christ. Jesus is becoming more and more real to me and I love it.
Christ's life is one of inspiring proportions, I think Barry's challenge was right on...will you take the challenge with me?
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