This w eek, we've taken a break from the "Old Skool Jesus" series and did a Big Event Outreach.
We do these large events every 3 months and the focus is evangelism. Our hope is to see kids come to Christ not by forcing it down their throats, but by engaging in a conversation.
We have HUGE games, great food, excellent music and a good speaker to bring a personal story about Jesus.
I will be giving you all the games we did and descriptions of them below. I've uploaded a diagram of each game into one PDF file, here is the link:
(first page is blank)
My handwriting is horrible, so the text for each game and the description will be below. This game worked well with 65 people and we will do it again tonight with another 115 people (approx.). However, I think you could utilize all of these games with a group of about 10 or more (just make less teams and smaller numbers).
Lastly about the diagrams, we set up the "paint ball obstacles" for the whole added a cool dynamic as well as added to the challenges of the other games.
Game Descriptions:
Game #1 Ball Brawl
- 4 Teams, one at each corner of the gym
- Each team chooses 4 people to stand in front of the stages for their perspective teams.
- For each team of four, 2 will be bound together as will the other 2. So there will be 16 people in the front all together in 8 pairs
- The rest of the team members will stand on their perspective stages
- The students in front of the stages will then (when the whistle blows) go for the balls in the middle of the gym
- They will then toss the balls back to their teammates on the stage so they (the ones on stage) can shoot the ball into the trash can across the gym diagonally
- The team with the most points at the end of the allotted time wins
Game #2 Realays
- Every team and team meber must play
- We will divide each team into sets of pairs
- The pairs will run the relay and when they are done, smack hands to the next pair until the last pair goes.
- The team that has all there team members complete the relay first wins
-One of the pair members will sit on a wooden scooter to begin with, the other will pull them by their foot
- When they get to the big tube, the sitter will crawl through, while the puller waits for them to get out on the other side.
- The sitter will then sit again and be pulled to the baseball bat set in front of the stage diagonally across from theirs.
- The sitter will then spin around the bat 5 times
- The sitter will then be the puller
- The puller will pull the new sitter to the big tube, let the new sitter crawl through while going to the other side waiting for them to come out.
- The sitter will sit back on the scooter and the puller will pull them back to their stage, smack hands with the next pair and this will continue until over.
Game #3 Bedlam Gauntlet
- The leaders will all go to one side of the gym, while the students go to the other
- The students will attempt to go from one side of the gym to the other in 3 minutes time
- The leaders will be equipped with either a dodge ball or a Nerf gun to shoot at and try to hit the teens
- The gym will have obstacles the kids can hide behind, but close objects leaders can sneak behind and fire!
- If there are more than 4 that can make it across in the 3 minute time, we will continue until 4 remain
Game #4 Jousting (the 4 winning people from the Gauntlet get to play)
- Just like at JOLT-- Our District Retreat
- We will have 2 pushers and 2 riders
- the riders will attempt to knock off the tennis ball on top of the other riders head
- They joust until the ball falls off.
- If there is time, we will choose 4 more (leaders??)
"Old Skool Jesus" will continue next week with the lesson "Why Did Jesus Come?"
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