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    Thursday, May 27, 2010

    You've Got Questions week 6

    This was done a couple of weeks ago, but it was our Final week on "You've Got Questions" where we had the Middle School students ask any question they wanted! 

      This ended up being more of an "Apologetics" series but it was fantastic none-the-less.  The teens really enggaged the talk time and were listening intently for 40 minutes.  I would NEVER go that long normally (usually I speak for 15 min. tops) but in order to answer all the questions the teens asked I needed to take more time.

      Like I said though the students were deeply interested in the content and were willing to sit through the explanations and the answers to their questions.  I had leader after leader suggesting we do this again and one even said: "The whole year could've been a series like this!"  So I think it went very well and I will consider doing it again!  Below are the questions that were asked as well as the links to get the PDF of the answers and the WMV of the message as well, enjoy!

    Did Jesus Have a Lover?
    What is life all about?
    Why do you (meaning Pastor Marv) Believe in Jesus?
    Why does God sometimes test us in weird ways?
    Why does the church teach perfection if we can never be perfect?

    Week 6 PDF Download

    Week 6 WMV Download (Audio)


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